Goal is to jump box , and put them into the blue 目标是跳到方块上,把它们都变成蓝色。
Crystal grand adventure game control : control key to move around , jump box . 水晶岛大冒险游戏控制:方向键控制左右走动,空格跳.
The next key about control movement and dribble , jump box keys , shift shooting 上下左右键控制移动和运球,空格键跳跃, shift键投篮。
Introduction : crystal grand adventure game control : control key to move around , jump box . 攻略:水晶岛大冒险游戏控制:方向键控制左右走动,空格跳.
Some enemy is not killed , so we can only avoid them , jump box for the last time about the direction of control 有些敌人是不能杀死的,所以只好避开他们,空格为跳跃,上次左右控制方向。
A walk in the ghost town is not necessarily an interesting matter , countless strange creature threatening you . keyboard left - right - jump box - floor sorting things and use 一个人在鬼城散步一定不是一件有趣的事情,无数的怪异生物都威胁着你的键盘左-右-跳空格-拣地上的东西和使用
Introduction : a walk in the ghost town is not necessarily an interesting matter , countless strange creature threatening you . keyboard left - right - jump box - floor sorting things and use 一个人在鬼城散步一定不是一件有趣的事情,无数的怪异生物都威胁着你的键盘左-右-跳空格-拣地上的东西和使用
Introduction : a walk in the ghost town is not necessarily an interesting matter , countless strange creature threatening you . keyboard left - right - jump box - floor sorting things and use ! enter the name of the game 在寒冷的南极世界里,一只勇敢的企鹅展开了救援行动,面对敌人它毫不退缩,用手中的雪球枪艰难的前进着:左右移动,空格:跳跃, shift :攻击